Can't go to college online?

Ever get well-meaning people telling you to try online school or work? Me too. Unfortunately these options are not always available to everyone in the disabled community because of either not having the money for tuiton and If you like me, spending too much time on the screens can cause you to feel sick. This meant online ighschl was about as disastrous s physical school was for me.  I wanted to introduce something for those of us who need something that is more flexible and feasible for our limitations.

I found taking certification classes online to be very beneficial. Cert Classes can be both paid or audited and taken for free, so it can be a nice activity to fill the void of boredom.  Paid versions are also very beneficial as they can boost your resume if you ever are able to do/find any kind of work in the future. A lot of them are self-paced which was a big plus for me bc I could not meet deadlines while in online schooling. The general cost of tuition is usually pretty low ranging from $50-$100
and this makes it easier to get credentials in different fields to boost your skill set should you ever find suitable employement. Even if not It's always fun to learn new things and personally it really gives me a sense of normalcy as most of my peers are in college or are working.

Anyways, I thought this would be a worthwhile share for those who can't be on the computers for long hours and still want to advance their education or need something to do.

You can try sites like edX, and Coursera apps like Duolingo to get a certificate or 'Micromasters' Degree from edX.

Another thing I just decided to insert in here is something I wish I had known when I was young, disabled and in highschool. Sometimes after trialing accomodation after accomodation and school after school it's time to consider getting a GED instead. While it's looked down upon sometimes this really is the best option, GED/HiSET can be completely self-paced, you can go into in-person study sessions and ask for help or you can brush up with the classes online. All you have to do to finish the program is prepare for a end of the semester like test that is usually a little less than $100.
