Who is Rad Spoonie?

Being in the psychiatric hospital though it was horrible helped my social anxiety. I can't exactly explain what it was about the hospital that uncovered the old me that I thought was dead. The one who didn't give a damn what anyone thought of her. The one who was colorful and extroverted and did what she damn well pleased. Maybe it was because a good amount of the patients and staff were total twats to me for no reason, maybe it was being desensitized to being around people after being housebound. Maybe it's because some huge life changes are happening that are allowing me to come out of a shell that I crawled into in the midst of deep dark times. Who knows? 
All I know is that people are kind of assholes and it's pointless trying to get their acceptance, I've also learned that I'm not what my social anxiety says I am and that my friends love me.
I would never share my blog articles or even tell anyone about the blog for fear of them asking for the link.
I've decided to come out of ghost writing and finally introduce myself. My name is Mtisunge(Tee-Soon-Geh, ) I'm 21 and a total dork ball, professional sick kid and Nutella enthusiast. I'm Disabled AF and there's not a damn thing that's shameful about that.

 Check out my insta @TisungeTerror 

XOXO - Rad 
