Independence while Bedridden

Anyone whose chronically ill knows it can warrant a significant amount of time in bed or even leave you bedridden. A comfortable accessible room is key to surviving days in bed.

Adjustable Beds:
Simple tasks like sitting up can prove to be difficult or impossible. Propping oneself up on pillows often lacks support and can even cause additional pain.
Adjustable beds and Hospital beds can really improve quality of life and independence but they tend to be very expensive with price tags ranging around $1,000. Sites like Letgo or OfferUp often have them for around $250 a much more affordable price stamp
 Another way to elevate yourself is to use a back support pillow you can usually find these for $30 new.

Bed Tables:
Bed tables are extremely helpful, there are many things you can do with ease with bed tables from  drawing, writing, eating to doing makeup and using computers bed tables definitely increase quality of life and independence.
There are different kinds of bed tables, C tables and lap tables.
C tables or over the bed tables are the kind you will find in hospitals, they are large but they often have wheels so you can just slide them in and out of your way. Lap tables take up less space and are just as convenient although you do have to pick them up and set them up which can be difficult at times if the table is weighted.

Mini Fridge & Water Tank:
If you find yourself unable to get to the kitchen to make yourself a meal a mini fridge and water tank are gigantic in increasing independence. You can stock food and snacks as well as ice packs inside of a mini fridge. You can get a water tank from the dollar store and fill it up with enough water for days. This makes things easier on both you and your caretaker, instead of having to ask for food and water multiple times throughout the day you have it right next to you and all that has to be done is prepping meals to go into the fridge and making sure there is enough water available. Mini fridges are also available on offer up and let go.

If A mini fridge is not an option get a coffee maker or tea maker (Something that dispenses hot water)
and keep dry foods in your nightstand.

Pet Tip: You can keep a jar of pet food nearby and place your pets water bowl under the water tank to make sure your furbaby is getting the food and water they need throughout the day.

Bed trash & Hand vaccum:
When you spend a lot of time in bed you'll find out that you accumulate trash. Keeping a bedside trash and a hand vacuum for crumbs from food can come in handy. Ha. ha. get it Handy....Hand vacuum. lol.
Napkins and Hygiene products are also good to keep by the bed.

Anything Remotely controlled:
If anything in your room can be found motorized and controlled with a remote or a phone the better.
Sadly these things often come with a high price tag.
