Importance of groups with Chronic Pain.

I haven't written in a while, I've really just been both depressed and stumped. Back on my meds im feeling better and decided to write a bit.

Isolation is such a big part of chronic illness, we often don't interact very much with other people unless we live with them and for all too many of us going to doctors and being at home is our whole life.  When you can't go to work or school physically it cuts off a huge chunk of socialization.  Something I wanted to recommend is going to groups physically or via Skype. 
Having something on a weekly basis that involves you speaking with and interacting with other people can be a real life changer.  

I've participated in both, I have to say going to a physical group - one thats not related to pain and is just one of your liking on a weekly basis has really changed my life. I haven't had a regular outing unrelated to doctors in a while. There are times when my friends and I hang out regularly and sometimes I don't see them for months and in those times the blade of isolation cuts deeply as it's hard to go on with so little human contact for long periods of time. Going to an art club once a week for me has made a significant change in my life.  Even though it may not be going to the bar on a weekly basis it's something. 

Video groups as well make a big difference in socializing, it gives you the opportunity to interact with people in real time allowing you to make friends and lasting memories. I recommend these for those who are completely housebound. You can even check out video chat rooms like although I'm not a big fan as they aren't regulated against people being a**holes.

Anyways, I hope this was helpful to you
                       Love Rad.
