10 Hangouts for Housebound Young Adults that are actually cool.

I've decided to revise an old article on how to still have fun & live your life even if your world is only a few thousand square feet. Hope you enjoy the update & share to anyone it might be helpful to!

Being young and chronically ill makes certain problems arise. We want to go out, we want to have fun, we want to socialize and date but it's just so hard!! When you spend most or all of your time indoors it's extremely mind numbing to be around the same thing every single day.  It can feel like your life is over, like your 'hidden' or 'invisible' or even forgotten. You get bored very very fast so it's important to have many different hobbies and interests. & To have activities or events you can look forward to indoors. 

It's extremely isolating on many levels, friends and other loved ones can fade away and stop inviting us or down right leave us for it (Or hey we might have to leave them if they become nasty towards us for it). There are very few ways to meet people and very little to no activities we can do outside of the home. To add on most of us who have to spend the majority or all of our time inside don't know of any ways to meet new people physically (There is a way my loves stay tuned till the bottom of the post ❤❤) Once we do meet these people or finally have an old friend visit it's like.... What do you do?  It can feel like even if you do have company that it'll just be very boring because...well... you can't really go out. We'll here are some things I love to do at home! I love these because some of them you can actually get a little dressed up for if you want to or throw on some fancy pajamas lol.  Not to mention the hangouts are versatile and can be tuned to new and old friends and family, or even someone you meet on a dating site or are already with. I do have to say most of these are focused on those who are mostly housebound, but some can be tuned to do in bed with assistance! I hope these are helpful to you, if not I hope you get some inspiration it's all about bringing the outdoors inside. If you need help setting any of these up then ask! I know a lot of the time I need help setting these events up myself! Sometimes I do get tired after but it's a lot more gentle on my body than forcing it outside.

1#1 Clubs, Raves, lounges 
Too many people, too loud, too bright and it’s usually a requirement to stand. As far as my illnesses go this is a total nightmare and I am nowhere near able to step foot into a club and I have had to watch countless friends post stories about their hookah lounge adventures while I just sit and wonder.

My solution is to recreate a controlled atmosphere at home where it emulates a club/lounge but if things get too heated you can rest in bed, take meds or change certain things about the atmosphere like the brightness or frequency that the lights flash/change colour and loudness of the music or the kind food that's being served, how many people are there ect. To fit your needs. It's basically a neon themed kickback!

I usually use a LIFX wifi light because I can adjust the light to what I can handle, You can use any colour light that isn't too triggering for you but I like LIFX because It can be one colour, or many, 100%  brightness or 25% if I'm getting light sensitive, it can change colours real fast or be slowed down and can also be matched up to music! It's an expensive light bulb but it comes extremely handy for this and for living with chronic migraines on the daily.
 I love to make things as close as possible to the real thing so If im going for a hookah lounge thing(which I don't recommend to do often) I'll make
 a hookah menu like they do in actual lounges. It looked legit but I think I may have deleted the graphic on accident! I would've loved to show you guys!

I'd also advise that if you aren't able to drink heavy liquor to stick to cooler drinks they're about 5% alcohol and it can take up to about 5 or so to get you a slight buzz. You can even blend your own drinks to make sure they aren't too harmful for your body. Nowadays there are apps for alcohol delivery like Bottles as well so you don't have to go out or ask someone to pick it up.

If you can't have any alcohol whatsoever then mocktail drinks are always fun to sip on too! & there are TONS of recipes online.

But back to the hookah pipe! if thats not an option at all you can use a vape with water vapor or if your a medical marijuana patient then just use a bong with a couple friends.

Chill Game Ideas:

Neon bowling

Put glow sticks around plastic cups for beer cooler drink pong or just for drinking.
Put glow sticks inside drink buckets.

Throw around some random glowing decor.
(As much as you can handle)

Pre-Rolls can be delivered from some dispensaries.

Adult Capri-Sun

Do it in a nice comfortable laid-back setting that doesn't trigger you. if a backyard or patio isn't an option do it indoors.

& check out channels like Mystical Sounds , and The Nations for the best remixes and dope visuals.

#2 Movie theatres:
Get a cheap, used or new projector! Projectors are way way cheaper than TVs, if it’s in the budget I’d definitely consider trying to get one into your house. It’s a perfect idea for those who are housebound or have trouble going outdoors or hey, just simply can’t handle all the aspects of a movie theatre.

You might not be there on opening night but you’ll still get the experience in a much more relaxed atmosphere.  Redbox rentals are less than $2 to rent for one day. Netflix and other movie sites like Crackle, Hulu and many more are absolutely great for this.
 You can check out my review on the $40 Fullele projector here.
Pawn shops and offerup/letgo are good places to get secondhand projectors.

Side note: This is great for dates!

You can make it comfortable and accommodating.

Popcorn buckets from Dollar Tree

Popcorn buckets from Bed, Bath & Beyond.

I've been known to give my friends and family a similar vintage style ticket
when they come over/when I invite them. Some people make concession stands too.

Here are some printables I found online.


#3 Trying new restaurants.
Going out to new restaurants is always nice, but it can be an Olympian work out for those with chronic illness.  If you have a dinner table or a small set of tables and chairs get someone to put them outside your house whether that is in the patio, the backyard ect.  if you want you can even put some light décor outside as well like string lights or a candle. & if outside isn’t an option inside is just fine too! In this day and age with apps like Uber eats you can try the new restaurant at home. This is really good for hanging out as well as dates. I love using a tablet to order the food off of, nowadays in actual restaurants you actually use a tablet to browse and pay for the food as well as pass the time until the waiter comes back.
I really like this because you can have a  brunch meeting with mocktails or cocktails and try a new restaurant in the comfort of your home.

Here's some for a backyard/patio


Heres a couple that are indoors and super romantic!

I think these ones are better for platonic, just a nice looking lounge area or living room!

Simple Practical Beautiful blog has some tips on decorating which I think can be used both indoors and outdoors and in both platonic and romantic situations;

#4/ 5 Sports & Game nights

Another great thing to do if you get a projector is hooking it up to a video game console and play or watch others play you fave video games of all time! This is pretty cool with a wii or kinetc because of the sports and other interactive games they have on there. You can borrow someone else's if you don't have your own and there are usually discount ones available on offer up. You can also hook a projector up to the TV during football, hockey, basketball (or whatever sport you may like) and have some fun with a couple friends! Trust me it's way cooler when it covers your wall! It feels a little reminiscent of a sports bar or an awesome arcade.


Gotta have snacks & food if video games & sports are involved!

#6 Festivals & Concerts 
Can't see your fave artists in person? Hook up a projector to a computer and find live performances! Set up a little indoor picnic, lay a nice blanket out get some pillows and a woven basket for food, and if you want to go the extra mile get a grass rug or a shag green rug ! Whatever makes you comfortable. Invite a friend or two over smoke,drink (or not)  have fun!

Famous perfomances like Kaboo Del Mar, Bud Light House Party, EDC, Vans warped tour, Coachella, and VooDoo are usually streamed online! Some websites like LiveList.com specialize in streaming performances world wide in real time. 

Festivals like Lollapalooza are also being streamed live through virtual reality!! I enjoy both of them but I love the projector as the experience is shared and less dizzying!

You can add fairy lights for atmosphere or do a neon themed thing similar to what I mentioned above depending on the performance!  For Coachella I'd go for a fairy lights boho theme and for something like Tomorrowland I'd go for neon decor! I love bringing my fan in and opening the windows if possible for a good breeze.

You can look at the first time I did this here! Everything was just slapped together so it's not as cute as these pictures. But I loved feeling like a "festival goer" this summer even though I was just at home! A lot of these festivals will stream live for 3-5 days so you can come back as many times as you can handle.

Can't forget the lighters lol.

DIY AmbiLight if your going for a neon theme

I enjoyed this recently! Found some good music, unfortunately I missed
The Weeknd's performance. ):

Let me know if you catch it this year! Post Malone is performing
on the live stream this year!!!! I'm so pumped.

#7 Home Spa
Who doesn't love to relax? When you have chronic pain/illness you really need it! It's not always possible to go to a salon but you can try to emulate it at home!  You can get actual manicurists and pedicurists to come to your home but that's not always in the budget so I wanted to show you some items that can be put together to bring the spa to you. Bring some bath salts, scrubs, soaps, facial masks, bath bombs and marbles(for foot soaks) calming music, some healthy snacks and whatever other soothing items you like. Another essential part is rolling up some hot towels to steam in a crock pot, you can add essential oils too! & You definitely can't have a spa day without soaking your feet! This can be done with a basin containing soothing items or with an actual footbath. The last thing you definitely want to get to bring the spa to you is a back massager they can be helpful for back pain and if you don't have back pain they are extremely relaxing and are highly reminiscent of the salon.
I got to do this before with my sister and we we're so relaxed.

You can add an Iced Coffee Bar, a waffle bar, a Mimosas bar, or nothing
 whatever suits you!

#8 Blanket fort Camping.

This is kind of like a normal indoor picnic except it's themed towards camping. Enjoy making smores
in a woodsy themed room with a table top fire or a bbq pit if your able to sit in your patio/backyard/porch.

#9 DIY Ice Cream bar.
I think this is great for people with tougher dietary restrictions ( I have some but not too many) because your in control of what goes in.
But anyways, who doesn't love ice cream bars like yogurtland? It's not always possible to go, what I say is do it at home maybe with a friend, a family member, a date whoever! Ice cream is exciting lol. I've added some alternatives to ice cream though.

I love adding graphic decor like this!

Nostalgia Electrics 4-qt. Wooden Bucket Ice Cream Maker

Alternatives to Ice cream.

Boba or Milkshake
Smoothie Bat - Cup or bowl

Parfait bar

Popsicle Bar

#10 Live events.

Much like the "Streamstivals" lol. You can stream any live event through a projector such as NYE!
& Of course you can add whatever you want to the event.

There are lots of different ways to bring outdoor activities indoors so you don’t have to miss out as much or have to exert as much energy to have fun in your life with the people you love! I hope this helps! I'm sorry if there are too many food related ideas up here for those with many dietary restrictions and/or feeding tubes. I will try to think of more that don't center around food. ❤ I know a lot of these involve a projector, I'm not connected with any brand of projectors I just absolutely love how much more interesting it's made my life!

It's not always easy to have company over but socializing makes a difference.

Want to meet new people in your area without leaving the house? Check out #3 on this article
